[Vtun-Users] VTUN not creating tap interface on successful opening of session
Gavin Beatty
2008-10-06 14:39:52 UTC

VTUN is not creating the tap virtual network interface on opening a
session. ifconfig %% gives interface not found errors and it is not
listed in ifconfig -a. I was under the impression that VTUN would
_always_ create the interface on opening the character device
This is vtun-3.0.1 on arm, linux 2.4.20, tun support built in with the
following (very standard) config:

### vtund-server.conf ###
options {
port 5000; # Listen on this port.

# Syslog facility
syslog daemon;

# Path to various programs
ppp /usr/sbin/pppd;
ifconfig /sbin/ifconfig;
route /sbin/route;
firewall /sbin/ipchains;
ip /sbin/ip;

# Default session options
default {
compress no; # Compression is off by default
speed 0; # By default maximum speed, NO shaping
lion {
passwd Ma&^TU; # Password
type ether; # Ethernet tunnel
#device tap0; # Device tap0
proto tcp; # UDP protocol
compress lzo:1; # LZO compression level 1
encrypt yes; # Encryption
stat yes; # Log connection statistic
keepalive yes; # Keep connection alive

up {
ifconfig "%% up";
down {
ifconfig "%% down";
### vtund-client.conf ###
options {
port 5000; # Connect to this port.
timeout 60; # General timeout

# Path to various programs
ppp /usr/sbin/pppd;
ifconfig /sbin/ifconfig;
route /sbin/route;
firewall /sbin/ipchains;
ip /sbin/ip;
lion {
passwd Ma&^TU; # Password
type ether; # Ethernet tunnel
#device tap1; # Device tap1
persist yes; # Automatically reconnect
up {
ifconfig "%% up";
down {
ifconfig "%% down";

I have the tap character devices created in /dev/netlink/tapX and they
are each symlinked to /dev/tapX.
$ ls -l /dev/netlink/tap0
crw------- 1 root root .............. tap0

Gavin Beatty

Gavin Beatty
2008-10-06 14:39:52 UTC

VTUN is not creating the tap virtual network interface on opening a
session. ifconfig %% gives interface not found errors and it is not
listed in ifconfig -a. I was under the impression that VTUN would
_always_ create the interface on opening the character device
This is vtun-3.0.1 on arm, linux 2.4.20, tun support built in with the
following (very standard) config:

### vtund-server.conf ###
options {
port 5000; # Listen on this port.

# Syslog facility
syslog daemon;

# Path to various programs
ppp /usr/sbin/pppd;
ifconfig /sbin/ifconfig;
route /sbin/route;
firewall /sbin/ipchains;
ip /sbin/ip;

# Default session options
default {
compress no; # Compression is off by default
speed 0; # By default maximum speed, NO shaping
lion {
passwd Ma&^TU; # Password
type ether; # Ethernet tunnel
#device tap0; # Device tap0
proto tcp; # UDP protocol
compress lzo:1; # LZO compression level 1
encrypt yes; # Encryption
stat yes; # Log connection statistic
keepalive yes; # Keep connection alive

up {
ifconfig "%% up";
down {
ifconfig "%% down";
### vtund-client.conf ###
options {
port 5000; # Connect to this port.
timeout 60; # General timeout

# Path to various programs
ppp /usr/sbin/pppd;
ifconfig /sbin/ifconfig;
route /sbin/route;
firewall /sbin/ipchains;
ip /sbin/ip;
lion {
passwd Ma&^TU; # Password
type ether; # Ethernet tunnel
#device tap1; # Device tap1
persist yes; # Automatically reconnect
up {
ifconfig "%% up";
down {
ifconfig "%% down";

I have the tap character devices created in /dev/netlink/tapX and they
are each symlinked to /dev/tapX.
$ ls -l /dev/netlink/tap0
crw------- 1 root root .............. tap0

Gavin Beatty
