[Vtun-Users] UDP NAT Traversal
Benjamin Kiessling
2009-09-04 08:21:53 UTC

I've got a problem with UDP through NAT. The FAQ says that vtun isn't
able to do UDP through NAT, but there was this [1] patch on the vtun-dev
mailing list with a hacked NAT traversal method which was apparently
incorporated into the CVS a few months ago. So I checked it out (at
first BRANCH-3_X2 and then rfe2636157 after the first checkout wouldn't
compile) and compiled everything into a Debian package. Now, I've been
trying to use the binary and it doesn't work with UDP. I saw some
segfaults in the syslog on the server side and on the client side it's
just looking like the normal UDP through NAT problem (it says connected
and shortly after disconnected and so on). Is there some way to fix this
problem? Did I even check out the right CVS branches?

Best Regards,
Benjamin Kiessling
